Monthly Archives: February 2012

Pathfinder Campout

So there was a Pathfinder campout up at PMA this weekend. We were there for two nights. There was rain and there was sun. We had about 50 kids come and just about a dozen staff were there. It was pretty intense with all the food being cooked over fires.

Be on te lookout for a post with some pictures later this week.

A list of 10 good things

Lets see….a list of good things.
1. My hair will go into a pony tail now! This is exciting for me! It needs some help but with the bobby pins but it’s getting there.
2. I made black beans yesterday that had to be soaked overnight. I’m always impressed when I do this. It seems like a lot of work for black beans.
3. My dog walks amazingly with her new training color. I think I have the smartest dog in Palau. She get’s fixed on Monday.
3. My shower has no mold in it finally!!!! My lovely husband scrubbed it and then bleached the shower curtain and threw the curtain in the washing machine. I had no idea you could do this. He is such a smarty pants!!!
4. My sunburn is finally gone from my back and shoulders.It was the worst burn on my life I think. I had these teeny tiny blisters all over my back days before it peeled. I hope everything is o.k with my back in the future……….sorry Mom. I failed with the sunscreen that day.
5. We got a new AC in the living room. It works without having to set the timer button. Before, we would have to set the timer meaning we had to wait a minimum of 1 hour before it would kick on. FIXED!!!
6. I’m rereading Steps to Christ and it is an amazing book. Many blessings from that, that’s for sure.
7. My student’s made me laugh today. It was a good teaching day.
8. I finally understand the difference between who vs. whom and successfully taught my students.
9. The school board really wants to see me at the elementary school next year, possibly 2nd grade which would be really fun for me!!!!!!!!!!!
10. I got a candle that smells like cookies and it is nice. Candles make me feel like I’m living in the States again. Very homey.

Palau Pacific Resort

A day trip. We paid to go to Palau’s 5-star resort. It was definitely worth it. We will be going again. Maybe even once a month.

Daisy and a Sunset

Here are some pictures we have taken since we got back to Palau after our trip to Hawaii. We went to a “park” here in town with our dog Daisy Pearl and she had a blast. It started to rain so it cut the trip short, but not short enough. Daisy ran all over the place while it was raining, actually, torrents of water were pouring from the sky. It was still nice.

The other pictures are on various days when our dog needed her picture taken.

The sunset and the subsequent pictures were all taken this evening.

2011 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog. A little late to get this reposted, but I think you might find it interesting. I know I did.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,200 times in 2011. If it were a cable car, it would take about 37 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

I’m terrible at this blogging thing….

Well….I’m afraid to look up my last post. I think it was a very long time ago.

We are doing well here. It’s finally February and that is super exciting. I think I will miss those Feb. holidays though. Apparently, Palau doesn’t celebrate President’s day:)

It is the weekend here. Weekends are the best just because that means I’m not at PMA! PMA is not my favorite place in Palau. I think my favorite place is the beach…..or anywhere where we can go and pretend to be a tourist.

Tonight Jesse took me on a date. We went to a place called Little Italy. It is more expensive Macaroni Grill I guess….without the good bread. But, I like it because it feels like a restaurant you would find in the states. And, I miss the states. We are looking into the possibility of going to Guam or even Ebeye over spring break. I’m pushing Guam because they have K-mart and Taco Bell. But, it would be really fun to see where Jesse was when he was an SM. So, we are going to compare airline prices to help us decide.

Being in the states of Christmas with the family was amazing! Hopefully you’ve seen some of the pics from that. I’m excited for summer too because we get to go back to Hawaii again. My homesickness comes in waves. This week has been a good week.

Having Daisy really helps with the homesickness. It is so nice to come home to a smiling puppy everyday. A dog’s love is so unconditional. It is the best feeling. I really believe she is a blessing sent from above. She makes life easier here.

There are many challenges….but that is for another time. This blog is just to let you know that I’m still here. I’m just busy….and not a great blogger. So sorry yall. Miss everyone TONS and TONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes, I’m going to get better at taking more pics too. But, for today….this is what you get.


A New Pastor

So the new pastor is arriving tonight at 11:50pm. Clearly, we will be among those missing from the welcoming party. If there wasn’t work tomorrow and/or it wasn’t so (oh so very) late I would have decided to go. It’s kind of a big deal because the Koror Seventh-day Adventist Church has been without a pastor for well over a year.

There have been many times that I keep thinking , “Yeah… that’s one of the problems here in Palau, but when the pastor comes it’ll be different.” I keep pinning all my hopes on this guy that’s coming to Palau from the faraway land called Texas. I know some things will change for the better, but it will all take time. Pray for us here in Palau, but especially for the new pastor, the church here has been waiting for him for quite awhile.