A list of 10 good things

Lets see….a list of good things.
1. My hair will go into a pony tail now! This is exciting for me! It needs some help but with the bobby pins but it’s getting there.
2. I made black beans yesterday that had to be soaked overnight. I’m always impressed when I do this. It seems like a lot of work for black beans.
3. My dog walks amazingly with her new training color. I think I have the smartest dog in Palau. She get’s fixed on Monday.
3. My shower has no mold in it finally!!!! My lovely husband scrubbed it and then bleached the shower curtain and threw the curtain in the washing machine. I had no idea you could do this. He is such a smarty pants!!!
4. My sunburn is finally gone from my back and shoulders.It was the worst burn on my life I think. I had these teeny tiny blisters all over my back days before it peeled. I hope everything is o.k with my back in the future……….sorry Mom. I failed with the sunscreen that day.
5. We got a new AC in the living room. It works without having to set the timer button. Before, we would have to set the timer meaning we had to wait a minimum of 1 hour before it would kick on. FIXED!!!
6. I’m rereading Steps to Christ and it is an amazing book. Many blessings from that, that’s for sure.
7. My student’s made me laugh today. It was a good teaching day.
8. I finally understand the difference between who vs. whom and successfully taught my students.
9. The school board really wants to see me at the elementary school next year, possibly 2nd grade which would be really fun for me!!!!!!!!!!!
10. I got a candle that smells like cookies and it is nice. Candles make me feel like I’m living in the States again. Very homey.

3 responses to “A list of 10 good things

  1. Like this!

  2. I know you’d love to teach at the elementary school. I hope that works out for you!! Love, Mom

  3. I am so glad Hailey put this wonderful post together. I definitely liked the black beans.

So what do you think?